Alle du kannst streamen

A picture of a family enjoying a Xumo Stream Box showing Squidgames from Netflix.

Free entertainment
on any screen

Xumo Play
A free streaming service with 350+ channels and 15,000 titles on demand designed to watch anytime, on any device — no subscription or login needed.

A better way to stream

Xumo’s signature products offer a simplified streaming experience made for the way you watch.
Xumo TV
A smart TV experience designed to help you stream easy.
Xumo Stream Box
A streaming device designed to help you get more from your TV.

All the top apps

Pre-loaded with 250+ must-watch apps — just sign into your subscriptions or explore tons of free entertainment to get started.

Get 6 months of Peacock Premium at no extra cost

Subscribe on your Xumo device to start streaming new movies, hit series, live sports and more.

Limited time offer. After offer ends, each month you will be charged $7.99 (or the then-current retail price) plus tax until you cancel. Cancel anytime. Eligibility restrictions and terms apply; see Offer Terms at Peacock © Peacock TV LLC. All rights reserved. All other programs and/or marks are the property of their respective owners.

Take your business
to the next level

With innovative approaches to optimizing your business, Xumo helps reach the next generation of streaming audiences.

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