Prends le contrôle de tes chaînes linéaires FAST,

Gère ton contenu, les horaires des programmes linéaires, la charge publicitaire et la fréquence avec le système de gestion de contenu (CMS) de nouvelle génération de Xumo Enterprise.

Intuitive programming

Build a schedule by hour, run a weekend marathon, schedule a primetime double feature—and monetize it all. Prioritize engagement over yield, vice versa, or strike that happy balance.


Maintain control over the monetization and overall yield of your FAST channels.

Discover your data

Learn more about your audience with actionable data and reporting available from Xumo Enterprise.


Make data-driven decisions to ensure your programming strategy supports overall business objectives. 

PGA Tour 

Stimuler l'engagement pour le PGA TOUR grâce à une programmation linéaire améliorée.

PGA Tour logo

S'associer avec nous

If you're thinking about partnering with Xumo Enterprise, we're here to help! Send us a note and a dedicated member of the team will get in touch. 

Looking for support for your Xumo device or Xumo Play? Visit our support portal!

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