Xumo's Big-Screen Takeover at CES 2025
Xumo's Marcien Jenckes and Ying Wang walk through Xumo's past, present, and future live from CES.
Xumo Sees Sharp TVs as ‘Groundbreaking’ Move into Premium Tier – Beet.TV
LAS VEGAS — Free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) operator Xumo is partnering with Japanese electronics manufacturer Sharp to make its platform the operating system on a new lin...
Sharp Selects Xumo for New 2025 AQUOS QLED Smart TVs
New line of Sharp AQUOS QLED 4K UHD TVs will be powered by Xumo TV’s simple navigation, voice search and hundreds of pre-loaded apps
Xumo Expands Partnership with Google TV™ to Distribute and Monetize FAST Channels on Google TV Freeplay
Advertisers Can Now Buy Inventory Through Xumo on Google TV Freeplay, Giving Them a Simple Way to Reach Audiences at Scale
GCI Launches Xumo Stream Box
Xumo Stream Box Makes Streaming Easy, Simplifying Content Discovery with Voice Search and a Personalized, Content-first User Experience
Xumo To Make Ad Inventory Available Programmatically With PubMatic
Integration will expand reach and targeting capabilities across Xumo’s content
From live TV to on-demand movies and shows, Xumo Play stands out
And the best part? You don’t even have to sign up to watch everything Xumo Play has to offer.
Xumo Teams Up with Target to Offer Hisense Xumo TVs
Con l'aggiunta di Target, i TV Xumo saranno disponibili in quasi 8.000 punti vendita in tutti gli Stati Uniti.
Cox Communications Launches Xumo Stream Box: a next-level voice-activated streaming device for internet customers
Cox si è unita a Xfinity, Spectrum e Mediacom come quarto operatore statunitense a offrire Xumo Stream Box ai propri clienti.
Cox is the Latest to Integrate Xumo FAST Channels into Linear Guide; Sky Slated to Follow
Xumo Enterprise, il ramo business-to-business della joint venture Xumo tra Comcast e Charter Communications, ha stretto una partnership con Cox Communications per integrare i canali televisivi gratuiti ad-supported (FAST) nella sua guida lineare e offrire ai clienti una programmazione di maggiore qualità senza costi aggiuntivi.
Xumo 2024 FAST Report Reveals Shifting Entertainment Habits Toward Free and Easy Streaming
Il tempo speso a guardare FAST durante le ore di prima serata rivaleggia con il gioco, i social media e la TV via cavo — Il 70% degli utenti di FAST riesce sempre a trovare qualcosa da guardare sui canali di streaming gratuiti.
Xumo TV Gets Even Smarter
L'obiettivo di Xumo’è quello di rendere la TV facile con un'esperienza utente intelligente e intuitiva.’È con questo obiettivo che stiamo introducendo aggiornamenti accurati all'interfaccia utente di Xumo TV per portare i clienti ai programmi che amano più velocemente e per rendere più facile la scoperta di qualcosa di nuovo da guardare.
Spectrum’s Elena Ritchie Discusses “The Future of Streaming” in TechCrunch Webinar
Spectrum recently partnered with TechCrunch to host the “Future of Streaming” webinar. Elena Ritchie, GVP of Video Content, shared her perspective on the current state of the streaming industry, the company’s recent launch of the Xumo Stream Box, the breadth of roles available at Spectrum and more throughout the webinar hosted by Rachel Hayes
Love cable TV but want streaming? Xumo has both
It’s no secret that cord cutting is a trend, but once you do, live TV, especially events and sports, can be a challenge. Now, major cable companies Charter and Comcast have teamed up to offer a way…
FAST is Growing Fast
Comcast-Xumo report notes strong support among advertisers, viewers
New Xumo and Comcast Advertising Report Finds 84% of Advertisers Will Increase FAST Investments in 2024
New Xumo and Comcast Advertising Report Finds 84% of Advertisers Will Increase FAST Investments in 2024 as Consumer Awareness and Usage Reaches New Heights
Viewers, Ad Buyers Diving Into FAST, Comcast-Xumo Study Finds
84% of buyers expect to increase FAST spending in 2024
Comcast and Spectrum’s Streaming Aspirations Rests on a Tiny Box
The Xumo Stream Box is a small, unassuming device that both Comcast and Charter’s Spectrum have begun sending out to their subscribers in place of a traditional cable set-top box. It may also be the key to both companies staying relevant in a world where everyone is increasingly moving to streaming services.
Comcast's (CMCSA) Xumo and Mediacom Team Up for Stream Box
Comcast’s CMCSA Xumo ha collaborato con Mediacom Communications per fornire prossimamente Xumo Stream Box ai suoi clienti Internet Xtream. Mediacom è il terzo operatore statunitense a rendere disponibile Xumo Stream Box alla propria clientela, dopo Spectrum di Charter e Xfinity di Comcast.
Mediacom signs on to offer Xumo Stream Box to broadband subs
Xumo, the streaming joint venture of Comcast and Charter, has snagged Mediacom as a customer for its recently introduced Xumo Stream Box streaming platform.
Mediacom Communications Partners with Xumo to Bring Xumo Stream Box to Its Broadband Customers
Xumo continua il suo slancio con l'aggiunta di un terzo operatore statunitense. Basato su EntertainmentOS, Xumo Stream Box integra canali di streaming live e contenuti basati su app in un'unica esperienza senza soluzione di continuità.
Mediacom signs with Xumo
Xumo ha siglato un accordo con Mediacom Communications, il primo operatore a collaborare con lo specialista dello streaming al di fuori dei suoi finanziatori della joint venture – Comcast e Charter Communications.
What to know about the Xumo Stream Box, Spectrum's new television device
Mediacom plans to offer the new Xumo Stream box to broadband-only customers. Mediacom is the first cable operator to sign a deal with Xumo outside its joint venture backers – Comcast and Charter.
Xumo Begins Nationwide Rollout of Its First Streaming Devices in Charter and Comcast Households
Xumo Stream Box integra la TV in diretta e le applicazioni di streaming più diffuse, offrendo tutto ciò che i clienti desiderano su un'unica piattaforma.
Xumo launches Pioneer Xumo TV, exclusively available at Best Buy.
Xumo annuncia una nuova linea di Smart TV 4K Ultra HD pre-caricate con centinaia di app e dotate di navigazione semplice e ricerca vocale
Xumo Enterprise snags another win, powers FAST channels for TCL refresh
.Xumo CRO Colin Petrie-Norris shared that TV OEM TCL is its latest enterprise customer in the FAST space, plus what differentiates Xumo in the market.
CraftsyTV FAST channel launches on Plex, Xumo Play
Instructional content brand Craftsy launched a free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) channel, CraftsyTV.
Comcast Introduces NOW TV: A $20 Entertainment Option With 60+ Streaming and FAST Channels, Plus Peacock Premium
Comcast ha presentato NOW TV, una nuova offerta di streaming che include programmi in diretta e on-demand, canali FAST integrati e Peacock Premium.
Comcast Integrates More Than 20 Free FAST Channels from Xumo Play, NBC and Sky into Xfinity Stream.
Xfinity offre a tutti i suoi clienti più intrattenimento da godere nell'app Xfinity Stream con l'aggiunta di oltre 20 canali televisivi in streaming gratuiti con supporto pubblicitario.
Xumo Enterprise powers Google TV’s built-in free streaming TV channels
Xumo Enterprise powered 70 of Google TV's new native FAST channels, CRO Colin Petrie-Norris said. He also teased another big partner is in the works.
Xumo Enterprise Unveils Expanded Suite of Solutions for Building, Managing and Monetizing Fast Channels and Services
Xumo annuncia una nuova suite di soluzioni software e tecnologiche che offre ai proprietari di contenuti, agli inserzionisti e alle piattaforme di streaming un maggior numero di modi per programmare, gestire e monetizzare una soluzione di streaming personalizzata, in grado di crescere o diminuire per soddisfare le proprie esigenze e i propri obiettivi aziendali.
Xumo Expands Smart TV Portfolio with Element Line of 4K Ultra HD TVs in 2023
Xumo ed Element Electronics hanno annunciato l'intenzione di lanciare negli Stati Uniti una nuova linea di smart TV 4K Ultra HD, alimentate dal sistema operativo di intrattenimento Xumo’s, nel 2023.
Comcast and Charter Announce Xumo as the Brand Name for Their Streaming Platform Joint Venture
Xumo fa evolvere il marchio da un servizio di TV in streaming gratuito e ad-supported (FAST) a un intero ecosistema di intrattenimento che comprende dispositivi di streaming, contenuti e una piattaforma per i partner per raggiungere il pubblico su scala.
Comcast and Charter Join Forces for New Streaming Platform
The streaming wars have a new player in town. Comcast and Charter, the two biggest cable companies, are teaming up for a new national streaming platform.